April 2024

Congratulations on another perfect Certification Period! For the 20th time since the inception of our ecrt/ECC application at Pitt, we have achieved 100% certification compliance for the September - December 2023 period of performance! This period, a total of 8,174 effort statements were certified. Many thanks to YOU for all your efforts to ensure these certifications were completed by PIs in your area.

As we near another fiscal year end, please bear in mind that salary budget overruns in entity 02, 03 or 04 accounts are not to be resolved by SPAR modifications if the salaries charged to those accounts truly supported those activities. Instead, budget overruns should be resolved by a journal entry to transfer funding between accounts using subcode 8260.

Please be advised that all SPAR entries and modifications should cease by 5pm on the second working day of the month.  Any entry after that time will cause future SPAR entry errors and will also result in level report inaccuracies.  SPAR closure dates and times can be found on our website as well as the calendar included in this publication.