August 2022

Thank you for your hard work during the January – April 2022 certification period! Despite the successful certification of 7,396 effort statements, we had 2 write-offs for the period resulting in $1,291.20 returned to the federal sponsor and charged to the grant department. To avoid write-offs in the future, please work with your faculty to ensure they complete the outstanding certifications prior to their vacations. Additionally, if effort is inappropriately reflected on an effort statement, please complete a SPAR modification or SWCT to correct the percentages prior to write-off day.


Has a SPAR in your area been affected by the Subcode Validation Process? Here is an explanation of this process.

The SPAR application restricts Mandatory Cost Sharing (MCS) to be charged to a single institutional account from a cap account. Voluntary Cost Sharing can be charged to multiple institutional accounts. Occasionally, it may be appropriate to split MCS between two or more institutional accounts. You will need to contact SPARhelp to have such a modification entered manually.