June 2019


PI reference guides for ECC, PI role in ECC, and Fiscal Year-end cut off alert.

June 7, 2019 marks the opening of the January-April 2019 certification period. As announced last month, upgrades have been made to the University’s effort reporting tool, now called ECC. Your PIs will receive an email prior to the opening of the certification period containing links to PI Reference Guides identifying new updates they will see in ECC.

The PI role in ECC will open for any individual who is the named PI of an active federal award during the period of performance being certified. When the end date of all federal awards for a PI precedes the start date of the academic Period of Performance, their PI role in ECC will end as well.
Any activity for those closed awards will still require certification.

  • If there is effort greater than 0% to be certified, Proxy/Designee assignments will need to
    be completed including an explanation as to why activity has extended beyond the grant
    end date.
  • If there are 0% effort lines to be certified and the PI is currently a University employee, the PI role can be entered centrally for one day only. Please coordinate an appropriate date for certification with the PI and contact SPAR help on the morning of the selected date to arrange for this one-day certification window. If the PI is no longer an employee, a Designee request will be required.

A word of caution for awards with end dates that precede the academic Period of Performance being certified: Because no PI role is assigned, no email notifications are sent for these certifiable lines. Similarly, there will also be no mention in the Effort Coordinator’s email alerts of these certifiable lines. These certifiable lines can be found on:

  1. Associated Certifier’s Tab on the Effort Coordinator’s home page in ECC.
  2. The Department Dashboard in ECC.
  3. The Certification Status Report, available as a Management report in ECC.