May 2020

Recently released OMB M-20-11 and OMB M-20-17 address Administrative Relief for
Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and guidance related to salary charges on federal awards. This
guidance allows for the continuation of salary and benefits charges to active Federal
awards consistent with the University’s policy of paying salaries from all funding sources.

These flexibilities are unprecedented, please keep in mind when charging effort during
periods of idle time, that while it is allowable to continue to charge salaries and benefits
to existing awards, there are no indications that budgets will be increased to
accommodate an extended period of absence.

FCR is now offering virtual and self-guided training sessions to allow users to complete
training requirements remotely. Please register for the workshops of interest on our

Remote workers have reported difficulties in accessing the SPAR environments
(Production and Training) from a Mac computer. If you have experienced this same
difficulty, please review these steps to download the necessary JAVA plugin and browser.

The ECC Payroll report can be run for an individual, an account or a department and will
provide dollars distributed and distributed effort percentages. It can be used as a
complimentary report to the SPAR Form Report, which provides actual effort and cost
share percentages. Note: an account that is 100% cost shared will not appear on the ECC
Payroll Report, but will be on the SPAR Form Report. Review the ECC Payroll report
instruction guide for more information.