November 2019


Emails were recently sent describing the new PI Work List reports in ECC. These reports for both Lead Effort Coordinators and Secondary Effort Coordinators are identical but for the salary dollar information, which only appears on the Lead Effort Coordinator report. These reports can be found under the ‘Reports’ menu, ‘Reporting’ option, ‘Monitoring’ category in ECC.

Daily, SPAR modifications are downloaded to ECC. If the modification affects a previously certified statement:

  • The Primary Effort Coordinator (PEC) will receive an email notice that the statement is in Salary Reallocation Pending status
  • A Payroll Adjustment Reconciliation (PAR) Task will appear on the PEC’s ECC Home page.
  • PAR Tasks should be reviewed and posted timely to allow the PI access to the effort statement(s) that require recertification.

Only the PEC will receive this email or have access to the PAR task. It is important for the PEC to be available, particularly as the certification deadline approaches. If the PEC will be out of the office, Effort Coordinators with access to the Department Dashboard may change the PEC designation by clicking on the highlighter icon next to another Lead Effort Coordinator’s name on the Department Information tab.

Please be aware that the Thanksgiving holiday will create additional challenges this certification period! Write-Off day is Monday, December 2nd, the first working day after the Thanksgiving Holiday. Look for an email detailing critical certification period dates in the coming days.

The SPAR application records effort distributions using the University’s 32-digit account numbers plus a Cost Share Code. Proper cost share code usage is important for managerial reporting and system compliance.

View a listing of the seven available Cost Share Codes and their meanings for you to use as a reference guide.