September 2022

FY 2023 annual salary increases were recently announced by the Chancellor and will be effective July 1, 2022. Please be on the lookout for an email from our office advising on action that will need to be taken for cap eligible faculty receiving a retroactive salary increase.


You may notice differences in effort percentages between SPAR/TEAM and ECC. This is due to the way the systems display the same information:

  • SPAR records effort on a month-by-month basis and distributes payroll accordingly. Each month's totals must equal 100% Actual and 100% Distributed Effort in SPAR.
  • ECC averages SPAR/TEAM effort percentages over a 4-month period based on dollars distributed to each activity during the period. Effort totals between 99-101% are allowable due to rounding. See additional information here.

Subrecipient monitoring processes and policies have recently been under scrutiny at other research institutions and a number of our sponsors have begun to heavily focus on this area during routine audits. Please review the University’s Subrecipient Monitoring policy which outlines roles and responsibilities at both the department and university level.