The following information will serve as a tool to help in identifying various charges that appear on monthly Level Reports and to provide information on obtaining assistance for other financial issues.

Questions regarding charges that appear on Level Reports encompass a wide range of issues. In order to begin your pursuit of answers, it is helpful to gain an understanding of information that already appears on the Level I Report. Doing so may help resolve your questions without further assistance.

Batch Names/ Identifiers / Contacts

1. Batch names, which appear in the “Batch Name” column on the Level I Report, are made up of four standard segments and a tracking number if needed:

NSCT 01041 DKR 6-9 1

  • Segment One: Identifies the transaction types (NSCT)
    (One Space)
  • Segment Two: Five-digit department code of the preparer (01041) or department authorized identifier (GA) for CTI and JE batches, e.g., JE GA DKR 10-12 2
    (One Space)
  • Segment Three: Three initials of the preparer (DKR)
    (One Space)
  • Segment Four: Creation date of the batch (6-9)
    (One Space)
  • Tracking Number: Character/s used to further identify the batch (1 or A)

Note: Only 24 characters will appear in the “Batch Name” column on the Level I Report so if your tracking number contains a large amount of characters, some will not appear on the Level I Report.

2. Various segments of the batch name can help you identify where the batch originated. Various acronyms identify the departments responsible for creating the entry.

3. Batches identified as IDC have an additional reference in the “Identifier” column on the Level I Report. This column contains the 2-digit IDC authorization code followed by the name of the department where the entry originated.

4. If you are a PRISM user and have questions regarding batches identified as Payables (formerly APGL), you can do drill downs in the PRISM system to help you obtain additional information about the entry.

5. If none of the above have resolved your inquiries, refer to the Financial Information Contacts for further assistance or for answers to other financial questions.