December 2021

Congratulations on another perfect Certification Period!  For the 16th time since the inception of our ecrt/ECC application at Pitt, we have achieved 100% compliance in the certification of 7,340 effort statements!  Thank you for your persistence and tenacity in achieving this impressive result!

SPAR and ECC deliver system-generated emails using each person’s official Pitt email address. We frequently receive requests to use a different preferred email. The SPAR and ECC applications received approval from the Provost’s Office to use the official University of Pittsburgh email address database for all electronic communications, therefore, we cannot entertain individual requests for other email addresses.  Your IT team may be of assistance in forwarding these emails to a preferred email address.

The Person Inquiry, Account Inquiry and Account Inquiry No Subcode queries in the SPAR application return details of all compensation paid to the employee or from the specified account regardless of costing method (i.e. SPAR, NEAD/TEAM, or ICP). These queries are valuable and will consistently report compensation for all those in your area, whether salaried or hourly, and when the pay type changes.  Application Guides for each query are available on the FCR website.


Happy holidays from Nicole, Emily and Erin! Enjoy a safe and peaceful Winter Break!


December 2021 Calendar